Hey there!

Has it ever happened to you that you made a plan with friends, but many of them dropped out, thus had cancel the plan? Or you wanted to visit a particular spot but could not because others were not interested or too lazy to come along? Solo travelling comes into picture here.

Solo travelling is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but everyone must try it at least once to get a feel of it. My first experience with solo travelling dates back to 2016. Being a railfan (that’s a different story though), I wanted to cover all the sections of Mumbai Suburban Railway. Travelled to Dahanu and Kasara, combined with some sightseeing in South Mumbai. It was so refreshing! You are not bounded by anyone’s thoughts, just go wherever you want. That feeling is itself awesome.

Attended a Quora meetup, where I met many people who shared their solo travelling experiences. I learnt there a lot, and I decided that I wanted to travel to Delhi, my dream destination, alone!

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